Building Technology Institute



Building Technology Institute

In Zimbabwe, the provision of affordable housing has been one of the most critical issues of government’s social policy especially since after independence in 1980. In most urban areas in Zimbabwe there has been a critical shortage of housing and the backlog continues to increase with the most affected being the Low-income earners.

We are the national focal point of development in the housing sector, technology transfer and consultancy services in the area of design, construction, maintenance, building materials, architectural drawings, and engineering activities. These services on offer encompass all the built environment technology solutions. 

This will ensure that the National development Goal of Vision 2030 is achieved through green sustainable construction technology as we strive for a circular economy (reduction of carbon emissions, recycles, reuses and greening our environment) as opposed to a linear economy (emits carbon, single use environment).  This would be working in line with the African Union Agenda 2063, the Sustainable Development Goals and the commitments to reduce carbon emissions expressed in the Paris climate agreements. 

The Institute seeks to work with Zimbabwe Building Contractors Association (ZBCA) and Construction Industry Federation of Zimbabwe (CIFOZ) in ensuring that the country remains sustainable in the construction sector through modern infrastructure provision, smart sustainable cities and waste management technology. The BTI is looking at existing housing challenges and urbanisation technologies in the country as follows:

  1. Identify and develop cost effective and efficient, technologies and building services maintenance solutions.
  2. Develop substitute/alternative building products for the built environment.
  3. Sustainable and Green Technology.

BTI is working on the following sustainable approaches for adequate housing provision:

  • Urban planning of infrastructure in urban and rural areas.
  • Climatically suitable building envelope (shape/ orientation) for wet-dry climate, to reduce the operational energy use.
  • Low embodied energy building materials coupled with recycled materials. Use of easy renewable and local building materials. (Rammed Earth Technology)
  • Appropriate aperture design with controlled glazing to reduce heat intake and reduce cooling needs while modulating natural lighting conditions.
  • Active energy production (thermal and PV) with roof forms combined with roof shading to reduce the cooling needs.
  • Low power and energy efficient appliances usage. Provision of solar energy for individual housing needs.
  • Maintenance protection against insects and pests.
  • Surface water management that is appropriate to the rainfall distribution pattern with water harvesting in various forms from recharge of aquifer/ open air water bodies/ swales/ holding tanks and pits. Minimize indoor water usage with low flow water fixtures.
  • Separate and manage different streams of rainwater – building roof and terraces, paved areas, parking and finally from natural streams and gullies.
  • Modern provision of bridges, dam’s construction, solar boreholes for domestic and commercial use.
  • Provision for draught resistant flora landscaping and vegetation and prevent any use of potable water for landscape.
  • Provision of good and adequate toilets in urban and rural environments.
  • Provision of modern Infrastructure like roads and electricity supply.
  • Internet connectivity for commercial and housing needs.

Water Conservation and Management

  1. Grey Water Recycling Technology (Housing and Commercial institutions).
  2. Rainwater Harvesting Technology (Housing and Commercial Institutions).
  • Smart/Green Master Planning Design for all the 10 provinces of Zimbabwe.
  • Smart/Sustainable Urban Design Planning for all the 10 provinces of Zimbabwe.
  • Structural Engineering consultancy.
  • Civil and Water Engineering consultancy.
  • Architectural Consultancy - Auto Cad and “as build drawings” production (electronic version).
  • Construction Works (low cost housing, schools and commercial buildings).
  • Rammed Earth Construction.
  • Bio - Gas Construction.
  • Facilities/Building Management Consultancy.
  • Facilities Management (Building management/Maintenance Management):
  • Mimosa Mine – The fundamentals of Erecting and Dismantling of Scaffolding.
  • Climate Change Management (Building and Transport Sectors):
  • Ministry of National Housing and Social Amenities.
  • Rammed Earth Training (Green Earth Training):
  • Ministry of National Housing and Social Amenities.
  • Bio Gas Technology Training and Construction (Natural Energy Training).
  • Ministry of National Housing and Social Amenities.
  • Auto Cad Training (Architectural and Engineering drawings).
  • Smart Irrigation Systems Design and Maintenance Training.

The BTI has worked on the following consultancy initiatives that responds to modern, efficient, reliable well developed infrastructure:

  • IPEC Headquarters Sustainable Building Project.
  • Zimbabwe Calculator on Climate Change and Carbon Emissions Reduction: UK Government, Imperial College of London, Ministry of Environment, Tourism and Climate Change.
  • ZCDC – Geotechnical Report Survey.
  • IDBZ Lupane University - Geotechnical Report Survey.
  • Dairibord Zimbabwe Headquarters – Building Assessment Report.

Rammed Earth Technology: (Renewable Construction)

  • Developed code of practice in conjunction with Standard Association of Zimbabwe (SAZ).
  • Amendment of Model Building By-Laws.

Structures Done:

Pilot Projects:

  • SIRDC – Two Roomed Kiosk.
  • SIRDC – Two Roomed House.

Classroom Blocks:

  • 30-40 Seater Classroom Block – Mutoko.

Community Halls:

  • 100 seater Community Hall – Insiza.


  • Teachers Housing – Mutoko.
  • Model Housing – Whitecliffe settlement.


Bio-Gas Digester Construction: (Renewable energy)

Pilot Projects:


Bio-Gas Digester – 10m3.


1st School in Harare (Wedza) – 50m3.

2nd School in Harare (Wedza) - 50m3.

3rd School in (Mat North) – 50m3.

4th School in (Harare) – 50m3.

  • Africa Organisation for Standardisation (ARSO)-Rammed Earth Technology Manual.
  • Southern African Development Community Cooperation in Standardisation (SADCSTAN) – Rammed earth Technology Manual.
  • Environmental Management Agency (EMA) - Bio Gas Construction.
  • Standard Association of Zimbabwe (SAZ) – Rammed Earth Technology.
  • Lafarge Cement Zimbabwe– Geotechnical Training and Concrete Manufacturing.
  • Ministry of National Housing and Social Amenities.

For Further Information, Contact: