The Biotechnology Research Institute (BRI) is a centre of excellence in the application of biotechnology techniques and processes to enhance performance in agriculture, medicine and bioprocess industries. The institute draws its strength from an intimate knowledge of genetics, microbiology, cell biology, molecular biology, gene editing, biochemistry, animal cell culture, embryology and chemical/process engineering.
The institute has world class expertise in manipulating living organisms and bioprocesses to improve plant varieties and animal breeds, enhance health delivery processes, and facilitate production of biological molecules through cell culture and fermentation technology processes.
1. Strategic research objectives for agriculture production and crop breeding are to:
2. Strategic research objectives for livestock production & breeding program
To improve livestock production, productivity and products utilisation. This includes:
Maize Improvement Project: The project aims to develop, release and commercialize multiple-stress tolerant varieties through the use of molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS). Elite drought tolerant and insect-resistant maize lines have been developed. This has led to the development of SIRDAMAIZE varieties.
Seed potato production: The project focus is on production of disease-free plantlets through meristem tissue culture technology. It also uses different molecular approaches to detect, diagnose and eradicate viruses and other diseases from infected plants. Furthermore, the project adopts rapid multiplication techniques and the aeroponics greenhouse technology to produce disease free seed
Rice breeding and extension: The main goal of the SIRDC rice breeding program is to enhance high-yielding rice germplasm through evaluation of breeding materials for yield and biotic and abiotic stresses in Zimbabwe. Additionally, SIRDC aims to multiply and disseminate quality superior rice seed to Zimbabwean farmers. The SIRDC rice breeding program has resulted in:
Traditional small grains: The project aims to develop high yielding, adaptable and nutrient-
dense cultivars of sorghum, pearl and finger millets. The institute collaborates with the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) for germplasm
acquisition and capacity building in traditional grains research and development.
Livestock development: Livestock project is addressing challenges faced by Zimbabwean indigenous farmers through researching on climate smart technologies and models that contribute to increased adoption of business-oriented and climate-smart livestock feeding practices, adaptive breeds, animal husbandry practices contributing to sustainable intensification of livestock production and poverty alleviation. Livestock research has resulted in the scientific development of a complete feed range under the banner of Gamma Foods. This range of livestock feed addresses the nutritional needs of farmers by using available resources on farm.
Horticulture development: The program is facilitating the development of small scale horticultural industry so as to improve nutritional status, increase incomes and reduce poverty while increasing productivity and quality of the produce. Much emphasis is on Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) and its corresponding certification procedures including quality standards and quality requirements so as to effectively compete and access the regional and international markets. The program also addresses post-harvest management and value addition to horticultural produce through training, technical support, and applied research
Mushroom Project: The project is producing and selling high quality oyster (Pleurotus ostreatus) and button (agaricus bisporus) mushroom spawn. Apart from spawn production, BRI also grows and sells quality oyster mushroom fruit on a commercial basis. Through collaboration with TIPS, the institute is now producing button mushroom at SIRDC and offers training to entrepreneurs who wish to venture into mushroom production. Mushroom production has proved very popular with urban and peri-urban customers. The training is offered on a monthly basis. The institute is now producing button mushroom at SIRDC and offers training to entrepreneurs who wish to venture into mushroom production. Mushroom production has proved very popular with urban and peri-urban customers. The training is offered on a monthly basis.
Legumes and Tuber crop Projects: This is a multipronged and multifaceted project geared towards preserving national heritage by carrying out research and developing value added products from under-utilized indigenous crops. Zimbabwe is endowed with a range of indigenous root and tuber, vegetable and legume crops and other plants that are naturally adapted to the country agro ecological regions. The institute is currently focusing on the whole value chain of sweet potato and cassava, from production and supply of tissue cultured virus free planting material, to supply of healthy tubers and value added products. The project seeks to complement Government efforts to combat Vitamin A Deficiency through distribution of the Orange fleshed sweet potato variety vines for enhanced production and utilisation in small holder households. Cassava is a highly nutritious crop which can be in cooperated as a supplement in feed formulation. There is a high potential in these crops that may be used to mitigate the vulnerability of people to the risks of food shortages and poor nutrition. This project
seeks to identify indigenous crop and plant resources that can be turned into high value nutritious
food products for local and regional markets.
Herbs: The project aims at growing and propagating herbs organically and to process the herbs into research based scientifically formulated medicinal and culinary products. The herbs project also seeks to educate, promote, and inform people on sustainable production and safe use of herbs as food/dietary supplements. Most herbs have been proven to have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiviral properties which help in alleviating some symptoms of various diseases and also help prevent food spoilage and protect against microbial contamination. They are also rich in antioxidants which help fight damage caused by free radicals.
Partnerships: The Government of the Republic of Korea continue to fund projects at SIRDC for rural development and livelihood improvements through the Korea Africa Food and Agriculture Cooperation Initiative (KAFACI) and the Korea Program on International Agriculture (KOPIA) Zimbabwe Centre.
KAFACI projects: BRI is currently implementing five projects under Korea Africa Food and Agriculture Cooperation Initiative (KAFACI). The projects cover food and horticulture crops such as rice, maize and onion, as well as crop-livestock systems. Through KAFACI the BRI works together with other African countries and South Korea to tackle agricultural issues. Through KAFACI several scientists from BRI have been trained in South Korea and all the projects have been successfully implemented since 2011.
KOPIA projects: Since the establishment of the Korea Programme on International Agriculture (KOPIA) Zimbabwe Centre BRI has implemented four projects in collaboration with the Rural Development Administration of South Korea. The projects include:
· Mushroom spawn: Oyster Spawn is currently on offer (Pleurotus ostreatus)
· Fresh and dried oyster mushrooms
· Virus-free sweet potato vines and virus-free tissue cultured potato seedlings
· Herbal products – herbal teas: basil, lemon grass, nettle, oregano, peppermint, rosemary, thyme, yarrow
· Livestock feed
· Training courses on the following:
· Livestock production and biosecurity measures
· Mushroom cultivation technologies
· Horticulture production including GAP principles and standards
· Pre and post-harvest handling of fresh produce
· Safe use of pesticides
· Composting technologies
· Greenhouse crop production
· Herbs cultivation, harvesting, drying and understanding their medicinal properties
Over the years, research at BRI, has, facilitated both production gains and commercialization which are drivers for sustainable agriculture transformation. This include:
With the aim to forward sustainable development in agriculture we seek collaboration in the following areas:
1. Maize project: Improving resilience in foundation seed
2. Indigenous Crops: Breeding and cultivation of indigenous crops particularly small grains to improve food security and nutrition
3. Emerging biotechnology approaches/tools
4. Animal health and disease diagnostics
5. Artificial insemination and embryo transfer
6. Fruit trees: Production of fruit trees through tissue culture
7. Ecological approaches and organic farming
8. Indigenous mushrooms research: Zimbabwe is endowed with several indigenous mushrooms in which commercial production is envisaged.
9. Herb project: Large-scale commercialization partner sought so as to go into tea bagging and development of formulated medicines based on herbs.
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